Lot #6


Timber Ridge Estates, North Carolina

Timber Ridge Estates - NC Country Living

Timber Ridge Estates Subdivision, Southwestern Alamance County, North Carolina, USA

Use Google Maps to view and drive the roads 3441 Timber Ridge Lake road, Liberty, NC 27298

Fly Timber Ridge Estates using a Drone with GoPro Camea Sales brouchure with videos



Lot #6

Timber Ridge Estates Subdivision, Southwestern Alamance County, North Carolina, USA

Use Google Maps to view and drive the roads 3441 Timber Ridge Lake road, Liberty, NC 27298

Fly over this beaufiful building site using a drone with GoPro camera: Fly Me Video


Home Up LOT #5 Lot #6 Lot #8 LOT #9 Financing



LOT # 6

Price is $39,900: features 2.58 Acres of all wooded rolling terrain and a 3 Bedroom perk


Lot #6 with Builder signs 2006 ------ --- Spoon Lane at Bunton Dr. looking South toward lot 6 on left side

Lot #6 looking directly east at corner of #6----------- Corner of Timber Ridge Lake rd looking North to Lots #5 and #6


Lot 6 Looking North to Bunton Drive and typical view of woods for Lots 4, 5 and 6 (Mostly Pine)

Building site # 6 features  2.58 +/- acres of rolling wooded terrain that could support a walkout, daylight basement. Perk field is 3 bedroom requiring a pump and is an on-site field. This lot is bordered on all sides by trees and scrub except the west side which borders on Spoon Lane.

This house would be in the woods with a nice view of the other homes through the trees on the north and south side.


Copyright 2005 to 2018; Timber Ridge Estates LLC, PO Box 3748, Wilmington, NC 24806                               Last updated: 01/24/2018